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A Network of Public Libraries in PunjabThursday February 06, 2025 GMT
Punjab Public Library System

A room without books is like a body without a soul -- Marcus Tullius Cicero You are at home » faq

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can become the member of a library?
  • Any person resident of the district or working in some public sector organization in the district is eligible to become a member of the library. For more details click.
What is the procedure to become a member?
  • To avail the services of a library the user has to procure a membership form, duly fill it and deposit it in the library office with requisite fee and documents. For details click.
How to procure a copy of the membership/renewal form?
  • The form can be obtained from the library free of cost or it can be downloaded from this site. To download the form click.
What are the steps followed to get a book issued from a library?
  • The steps followed to borrow a book from the library are,
Step-I: Come to the library office with the member card issued to you.
Step-II: Leave the card at the issue counter and go to the stack room area and locate the book/document you need with the help of the catalogue.
Step-III: Bring the book/s to the issue counter and get it issued against your card number.
Note: Mind the Due Date.

How much fee one needs to pay to become member?
  • The member has to pay nothing for availing the services of the library. However, he/she has to deposit a refundable security of Rs.500 in case of general public and Rs.250 in case of public sector employee. The security is refunded back at the time of withdrawl of the membership.
What is the procudure to get the security refund at the time of withdrawl of membership?
  • To get the security refund the member has to give a simple hand written application along with the membership card in the library and the required action is taken by the office.
What are the timings of the libraries?
  • The timings of the library are as follows:
    Summer (March to October)
    Reading Room 8.30am to 6pm.
    Book Circulation/office 11am to 6pm.
  • Winter(November to February)
    Reading Room 8.30am to 5pm.
    Book Circualtion/office 10am to 5pm.
Note:- Sometimes some minor, temporary variations may be there. For more details contact the concerned library.

What is the list of holidays?
  • The library remains closed on all public holidays as mentioned in Punjab Govt. official calender and also on the last Thursday of every month.

How many books are issued and for how many days?
  • At a time two books are issued for a period of two weeks to each user. For details click.
What is the overdue fine charged?
  • The rate of fine charged for overdue of books/material is at Rs.1/day. For details click.
What the user has to pay in case of damage/loss of books/material issued in their name?
  • In case of damage/loss of books/material the user has to either pay for or replace the damage. For details click.

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