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A Network of Public Libraries in PunjabThursday February 06, 2025 GMT
Punjab Public Library System

A room without books is like a body without a soul -- Marcus Tullius Cicero You are at home » vision


PPLS is group of public libraries which are non-profit public service organizations established by the state government. So, all the libraries of the system share the common vision of serving the educational, recreational & information needs of the local population. Their clientele varies from learned men and research scholars to servicemen, ex-servicemen, businessmen, farmers and housewives etc. This not only distinguishes them from other libraries in the state but also throws a challenge for them.

Further India being one of the biggest democratic countries of the world, every organization/institution is supposed to work towards some useful purpose i.e. furthering the democratic aspiration of the nation as a whole. These libraries are providing their services to one and all without any distinction. In this way they are securing the democratic interests of the state government and acting as the nation builders. For this purpoe they are perputously in the process of updating themselves with the latest material and technology. They are widening their horizons with the help of ICT. Many of them are organizing some 'extra curricular' activities like seminars and conferences (either individually or in association with some local bodies). This way they are not only making their presence felt but are also doing a good service to the society.

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