The libraries offer all types of services offered by any public library. These cater to the needs of different types of users whether general public or students and research scholars with their very specific information needs. Most of the services offered by the member libraries are common with little local variations. The main services offered by the libraries include:
Circulation Service
The libraries lend two books to its users for two weeks free of charge. The vast collection of the library is open for lending excluding only the reference books.
Reading Service
The libraries have reading rooms also where the users can read books, newspapers/magazines etc. during working hours. The user can consult here such books also which are not issued to him/her normally.
Reference Service
The librares maintain a sufficient collection of reference books and utilizes these for its reference section. Some libraries have a very rare collection of manuscripts i.e. MM Central State Library, Patiala
Information Service
Pin pointed information is what the readers are looking for today. With the vast growth of literature in all the subject fields and disciplines it is not possible for an ordinary user to locate the exact information of his/her choice. This is more so in a public library. So, here we are to help them.
We here provide information service to our users through our various sections either indivisually or a combination of two or more of them. The users seeking such information service range from general public to eminent beaurocrats from different Govt. departments.
Old Newspaper/Magazine Record.
The libraries maintain files of old newspaper and magazines subscribed by them and makes them available to its users whenever requested. Some libraries provide back files upto three years or more.